Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening in El Paso, TX

If you’re not happy with the shade of your teeth or envious of the bright smiles you see on others, a shining, white smile is within reach with dental teeth whitening. Dramatically more effective and efficient than over-the-counter products, our teeth whitening treatments can provide a noticeably whiter and brighter smile in a single visit. Our team is ready to help you get the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted.

What is Teeth Whitening?

It’s natural for teeth to dull and stain from age and diet over time. Teeth whitening is a popular cosmetic dental procedure that involves removing surface stains and discoloration from your teeth, revealing a whiter and brighter smile. We use safe and effective treatments to give you the results you desire, without harming your teeth or gums. You also have the option of in-office whitening or take-home whitening trays to fit your lifestyle and schedule. Whether you’ve been dreaming of a dramatic transformation or just need a subtle improvement, our team is here to help you achieve a smile you’ll love.

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Professional Teeth Whitening Procedure

In-office treatments are among the best teeth whitening options available. In a single visit, surface stains are lifted for teeth that are shades whiter than when you stepped in our doors. Plus, you’ll have the extra care of a professional hygienist to protect your teeth and gums from sensitivity or irritation for the most comfortable whitening experience.

After you’re comfortably seated, we apply a layer of dental-grade Zoom whitening gel to your teeth. The gel is further activated with the aid of a blue LED lamp and reapplied a second time halfway through your visit. We’ll then remove the whitening product and apply a post-treatment gel to protect the enamel and minimize sensitivity. You’ll see instant results and can schedule follow-up appointments for further touch ups or whitening treatments as needed.

In-Office Teeth Whitening Benefits

With so many over-the-counter products promising teeth whitening benefits, it might seem easy to just grab something off the shelf at the supermarket. Although it seems convenient, the upsides of these products don’t compare to the effectiveness and results of visiting your dentist for a professional teeth whitening. Here are a few of the benefits that make our treatments worth the investment:
Although a visit to the dentist might have a higher upfront cost, a single treatment brings better results than weeks to months of recurring over-the-counter applications.
Where readily available products might achieve results over a long period of time, professional teeth whitening delivers results in a single treatment.
Professional teeth whitening puts you under the care of a certified hygienist. They ensure your teeth and gums are healthy and avoid any discomfort during your path toward a brighter smile.
We work with you to reach your personal smile goals. No treatment is one-size-fits-all, and your visits will be catered to your needs and desired results.
Dental-grade products permeate deeper into teeth to remove more than surface level stains for more substantial whitening power.
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Beaming White Teeth at 915 Smile Studio

Ready to brighten up your smile? We’ll help you make an impact at your next event or stroll into town. Schedule an appointment with us for a teeth whitening treatment today. Our experienced team will ensure that the process is comfortable and effective, leaving you with a beautiful and confident smile. Contact us and start the path towards the smile of your dreams.