What Types of Treatments Do General Dentists Provide?

General Dentists

General Dentists provide services to diagnose, treat, and maintain your oral health. Our office specializes in general dentistry, and this includes preventative, corrective, and restorative treatment for patients. Our general dental care services allow us to remove any decay or disease from your teeth and gums. We preserve your natural teeth and keep you looking and feeling great.

Visiting our office regularly to maintain your oral health is important. Starting out good habits at an early age can create a good foundation for taking care of your teeth. Preventative treatment helps to keep teeth and gums healthy, and stop decay. During your exam in our office, we will evaluate your teeth and mouth, and develop a customized treatment plan that is tailored to your needs.

What Treatments Are Included in General Dentistry?

Our office has many general dental services to help keep you looking and feeling great. We provide consultations to discuss any concerns you have with your smile. Our consultation includes a detailed exam to determine what procedure is needed.

General Dentistry Services

  • Cleanings
  • Oral Exams
  • Fillings
  • Oral Cancer Screenings
  • Dental Implants
  • Extractions
  • Root Canals
  • X-rays
  • Fixed Bridges and Crowns

What Can I Expect During a General Dentistry Appointment?

Our general dentistry appointments begin with a visual exam of your teeth and mouth. If needed, x-rays are taken so we can take a closer look at the health of your teeth, gums, and jaw. We will discuss any prior health history, and review any prior x-rays if the patients had them sent over to our office.

Next, our team will perform a thorough dental cleaning. This removes plaque from the teeth and gums and polishes the teeth. We also check any existing restorations to ensure they are all stable and in great condition. This includes fillings, implant, bridges, and crowns. Our team will also do an oral cancer screening of the mouth and tongue.

If there are any areas of concern, we will discuss those details with you and create a customized treatment plan. Our staff will discuss next steps if you require further treatment. Patients may have to return to our office for another appointment depending on what is required.

Interested in Scheduling an Appointment?

Attending your regular exams twice a year in our office is an essential part to our oral health. We can help maintain your teeth and gums and keep them looking and feeling great. Exams allow our team to get in front of any potential complications or decay, and prevent serious complications. Let us help you take charge of your oral health, and call our office today!

If you are interested in scheduling your cleaning and exam with us, please contact 915 Smile Studio, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you!

Can Small Cavities Heal By Themselves?

small cavities

If you have a cavity and are reluctant to call your dentist, you may be hoping the cavity will just heal itself. A cavity is tooth decay that causes a hole in the tooth. If cavities are not treated more serious issues can develop. At 915 Smile Studio, it is important to take care of your oral health and practice good habits at home. Attending your regular cleanings and exams in our office can identify if you have any cavities, and make sure they are addressed promptly.

How Will My Small Cavity Be Treated?

If you have a large cavity, you will most likely need a filling. If the cavity is small and is causing you no pain or discomfort, we may be able to watch the cavity by comparing x-rays to determine if the cavity is active or arrested. Small cavities that are caught early on can be stopped with good oral hygiene. Taking care of your teeth with brushing, flossing, and using fluoride can help strengthen the enamel, and stop a cavity in its tracks.

Treatments for a Cavity

  • Fillings
  • Inlays or Onlays
  • Crowns
  • Root Canals
  • Extractions

What Can I Do To Reverse Decay and Prevent Cavities?

  • Brush and floss at least twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste.
  • Increase your fluoride intake to help stop the cavity from further decay. Our office provides fluoride treatments, and fluoride can be found in toothpaste or mouthwashes.
  • Sealants can be applied to molars to prevent cavities from forming. This is a clear plastic protective coat that can help halt or reverse current decay on a tooth if the cavity is small enough and in the early stages.
  • Limit eating and drinking foods that have a high sugar content. These types of foods and drinks contribute to tooth decay. If you do consume these foods, make sure to brush right afterwards.
  • Visit our office twice a year for your regular cleaning and exam.

Interested in Scheduling an Appointment?

If you have a cavity that needs to be filled, or is causing your issues please do not hesitate to call our office. Leaving a cavity untreated can cause more serious issues if the cavity is not addressed promptly. Our flexible hours and schedule allow you to be seen right away. Your health is our priority and we welcome new patients to our office.

To schedule your dental exam or cleaning contact 915 Smile Studio, and our staff will be happy to assist you!

Does Teeth Whitening Cause any Dental Problems?

Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening treatments are popular for patients that have tooth discoloration, or for those that just want a brighter smile. Whitening your teeth can be done safely and there are several options to choose from. If the directions are followed patients can successfully whiten their teeth with no side effects. Teeth whitening boosts self-confidence, can change a patient’s smile quickly, and make you feel great.

What Are My Options for Teeth Whitening?

If you have decided to whiten your teeth there are a few options to choose from. We offer teeth whitening treatments in our office, and this typically is a faster way to get the results you desire. We also offer a treatment you can take with you and whiten in the convenience of your own home.

Both options give great results patients are happy with. In addition to those two options there are over the counter whitening treatments that can help you whiten your teeth. Part of the evaluation process is to take a good look at your teeth and the level of discoloration, your age, and dental history to help you decide what treatment options will work best.

What Are Common Side Effects With Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is perfectly safe, but there are a few side effects that patients can experience.

Teeth Sensitivity

When you whiten your teeth the product gets deep into the tooth enamel. In some cases patients can experience sensitivity after teeth whitening treatments. We may recommend you use a sensitive type tooth paste to help with any sensitivity after whitening.

Irritated Gums

Gum irritation is another common issue when patients decide to whiten your teeth. In some cases patients are sensitive to the whitening treatment. This typically goes away after your treatment is complete.

Whitening treatments can be done periodically to keep teeth looking bright white. Whitening treatments are for patients with natural teeth. If you have implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures and want to whiten your teeth, we recommend scheduling a consultation to discuss your options. If you suffer from many cavities we recommend those are treated before any whitening treatment begins. Depending on each case we can help determine if teeth whitening is right for you.

How To Keep My Teeth Looking White

There are things you can do at home to help keep your teeth looking bright white. Avoiding food and beverages that may stain your teeth like coffee, tea, or red wine. If you do eat or drink something that may stain your teeth it is a good idea to rinse or brush right afterwards to help decrease staining.

Looking To Whiten Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening is a great way to give you a bright white smile. Whitening your teeth is safe and easy, and does not cause many side effects or issues. Scheduling a consultation with our team to examine your teeth and discuss your goals is a great way to start the process. Our skilled professionals will help you decide what treatment is best, and help get you on the road to a brighter smile.

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation to find out if teeth whitening is right for you, contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you.

Why is it Important to Have an Emergency Dentist?

tools patient clinic dentist

Knowing who to call in an emergency is extremely important. Doing your research ahead of time so you have a plan in place can help, and take some of the stress away. Dental emergencies can happen at any time, and knowing your dentist is close makes a big difference. Scrambling to find a dentist to handle your emergency last minute can cause delays and make the situation worse.

Why Is Finding an Emergency Dentist Ahead of Time Important?

There are various details you can research ahead of time that will help you out in a dental emergency. Talking with your dentist and understanding the emergency services they provide, as well as the hours of operation and locations available help tremendously.

  • Choose an emergency dentist in your area. This helps you get to your dentist quicker in an emergency.
  • Choose a dentist that provides services for families. If you or your children have a dental emergency it is convenient to be able to take everyone to the same dentist.
  • Ask what insurance your dentist accepts. You can call your insurance provider and ask for a list of dentists in your area that accept your plan. Knowing your dentist accepts your insurance ahead of time can help.
  • Make sure you ask if they have emergency hours and what their normal hours of operation are. Some dentists may only service emergencies at one location. Knowing where to go in an emergency is important and saves you time.
  • Inquire about what emergency services they provide. In many dental emergencies patients may need cosmetic dental work. If your dentist does not provide cosmetic services you may need to be referred to a cosmetic dentist.

Doing the research up front and knowing where to go ahead of time can help make you more prepared. Make sure your emergency dentist’s information is in a convenient place where you can access it at any time.

Interested in Finding Out More?

If you are interested in finding out what services we provide, or have questions about our emergency services, we encourage you to contact our office. Our staff is equipped to handle dental emergencies, and we provide emergency services to all of our patients. Your health is our priority, and we strive to always provide exceptional service.

For more information about our emergency services please contact our office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.

Should I Brush or Floss First?

Cosmetic Dentistry

Creating an oral hygiene routine at home is important to help maintain your oral health and keep your teeth and gums feeling great. Brushing and flossing each day is extremely important, and the order in which you do these two items is a common question. Many wonder which way gives the most benefit.

Is Brushing First Better?

Brushing your teeth at least twice a day is a key part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Brushing cleans your teeth and removes plaque, as well as prevents cavities from developing. Brushing is not the only thing you need to do to keep your oral hygiene in check. Flossing is another integral part of oral hygiene. The order in which you do these two items is a popular discussion.

Brushing does allow the toothpaste with fluoride to get in-between the teeth and help lift residual plaque when you floss after brushing. Studies show that flossing first is better, and is a more efficient way to keep up with your oral health. Flossing last also leaves particles in your mouth if you do not remember to rinse afterwards.

What About Flossing First?

Flossing first has many benefits, and recent studies now recommend that you should floss first before you brush. Flossing first helps to loosen that plaque buildup, as well as increase fluoride concentration between your teeth. When you brush after flossing the brushing then helps to remove those particles that are released from flossing. This helps to reduce plaque in your mouth, and lowers your risk of developing gum disease. Brushing after you floss helps the toothpaste to really do its job to protect your teeth from decay.

What About Flossing First?

Flossing first has many benefits, and recent studies now recommend that you should floss first before you brush. Flossing first helps to loosen that plaque buildup, as well as increase fluoride concentration between your teeth. When you brush after flossing the brushing then helps to remove those particles that are released from flossing. This helps to reduce plaque in your mouth, and lowers your risk of developing gum disease. Brushing after you floss helps the toothpaste to really do its job to protect your teeth from decay.

Benefits of Flossing and Brushing

  • Prevents gum disease that is caused by poor dental hygiene or not brushing and flossing properly. Routine dental cleanings in our office are important and we recommend dental cleanings at least twice a year.
  • Removes plaque that is the leading cause of gum disease. If you floss and brush your teeth regularly plaque does not have the chance to harden on your teeth.
  • Prevents decay and costly dental procedures. If you take care of your oral health you can avoid serious complications or dental procedures in the future.

Overall, you can keep your teeth and gums healthy by practicing good oral hygiene habits. Cavities and gum disease are preventable, and remembering to floss and brush each day will help keep your mouth feeling great. Visiting our office regularly for your cleaning and exam is another way to stay on top of your oral health.

During your dental exam our team will discuss any hygiene recommendations, and review how to keep up with your oral hygiene care at home. Taking care of your oral health is important, and your health is our priority.

If you are interested in finding out more about how to improve your oral hygiene routine at home, or to schedule your next dental exam, contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you.

What Should I Look for When Choosing a Cosmetic Dentist?

Family Dentistry

Cosmetic dentists can help enhance or improve the appearance of your teeth, gums, and jaw. If you are unhappy with your smile, or have cracked, broken, or misshapen teeth, finding a good cosmetic dentist is important. Cosmetic dentistry focuses on the overall appearance of your smile. This includes the color, shape, size, and position of your teeth.

Searching for a good cosmetic dentist can be stressful, but knowing what to look out for can help you find a dentist that is perfect for you.

What to Consider When Searching for a Cosmetic Dentist

  • Check for a dentist’s credentials by visiting their website and reading a biography about the doctor. If this is not available contact the office directly to collect this information.
  • Ask for referrals and talk to people that have had prior cosmetic dental procedures.
  • Look for a dentist that has continuing education. Continuing education shows that a dentist is constantly improving their knowledge, learning new techniques using the latest technology, and expanding on skills.
  • When reading their biography look to see how long they have been practicing cosmetic dentistry and how many procedures they have done over the years.
  • Look at before and after photos to help get a good idea of the doctor’s skills.
  • Schedule a cosmetic consultation to learn about the doctor and practice. Consultations allow you to discuss your concerns, and learn about what treatment options are available. This will also give you a good idea if you feel comfortable with the dentist you choose.

Choosing the best cosmetic dentist for you is important. Knowing their background, expertise, and work they have done can help you make a decision. Achieving that perfect smile to boost confidence, or correct an issue can be life changing. Taking charge of your dental health can give you that smile you have always wanted.

Looking to Schedule a Cosmetic Consultation?

Our detailed consultation process gives patients the ability to discuss their concerns and smile goals. Our skilled team will examine your mouth, teeth, and jaw and recommend treatment options that work for you. Starting with a consultation can give you the ability learn about our doctors, practice, and help you decide what treatment may be best.

To schedule your cosmetic consultation and begin the process to that perfect smile, contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

how long do dental crowns last

Crowns are similar to a cap that is placed over a tooth, and are used to save and restore a damaged tooth. Crowns look natural and allow patients to use their tooth again. The color of a crown can also be matched to your natural teeth, and crowns help to make damaged teeth strong again.

When Would a Crown be Necessary?

  • To repair a cracked or damaged tooth
  • After root canal treatment
  • To help restore a misshapen or stained tooth
  • To repair an existing crown that does not fit properly

Crowns can last anywhere between 5 to 15 years depending on wear and tear. Over time if the crown faces a higher level of wear and tear, this can lead to the need for crown replacement. If you use good oral hygiene and you are careful with your crown they can last up to 25-30 years.

Tips To Help Your Crown Last Longer

  • Avoid biting down on hard objects or foods to prevent wear and tear of the crown.
  • Attend regular cleanings in our office so we can ensure all looks good and your crown remains healthy.
  • Avoid grinding or clenching your teeth. If you suffer from bruxism we may recommend a mouth guard.
  • Make sure you are brushing and flossing daily, and you pay attention to the crown area while brushing.

If you experience any pain in or around your crown, or notice any cracks or chips please contact our office immediately. We will get you in to be seen as soon as possible.

Looking To Find Out More About Crowns?

If you are interested in finding out more about crowns and how they may benefit you, schedule a consultation in our office. We provide a detailed consultation process for all of our patients, and can recommend treatment options that work for you. Your oral health is our priority, and we go above and beyond to provide the highest level of care for all of our patients.

To schedule an appointment please contact our office, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

What Causes Tartar on Teeth and What Does it Do?

what causes tartar on teeth

Plaque is a sticky bacteria that forms on our teeth. This bacteria attaches to surfaces in the mouth and forms a film on the teeth. In order to keep your teeth and mouth heathy this plaque should be removed regularly. If plaque is not removed the bacteria can accumulate from saliva. The plaque then forms a hard substance that can be white or yellow, and this is called tartar. Plaque and tartar bacteria can damage tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

Tartar builds up along the gum line or in between teeth. Brushing and flossing regularly can help to remove plaque and tartar, but visiting our office for your regular cleaning can ensure all of the buildup is completely removed. If tartar is not removed, over time this could lead to gum disease.

How Can I Prevent Tartar Buildup?

Practicing good oral hygiene habits at home can help prevent plaque and tartar from forming. Gum disease can be prevented by brushing and flossing. We also recommend an antiseptic mouthwash, and regular cleanings in our office to ensure your teeth and mouth are tartar free.

 If tartar is not removed it can collect between the gum and teeth and cause periodontitis. This can damage the tissue and bone that holds your teeth in place. Gum disease can cause other more serious health problems if not addressed such as heart disease.

How Can I Manage Plaque and Tartar?

Plaque forms every night and the bacteria feeds on carbs and sugars. The acids can damage your enamel. If you practice good oral hygiene and limit foods and drinks with sugar you can stay on top of plaque and tartar. Visiting our office twice a year for your exam and cleaning can help remove any buildup, and keep your teeth and mouth looking and feeling great.

Are you Interested in Scheduling Your Next Dental Cleaning?

We encourage all patients to visit our office twice a year for their dental exam and cleaning. Our highly skilled staff clean and remove the plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth. We care about your health and ensure you receive the highest level of care. Keeping your teeth and mouth healthy is important, and practicing good oral hygiene habits at home can help prevent tooth decay.

If you are interested in scheduling your dental exam and cleaning, contact our office and our friendly staff members will be happy to assist you!

Are There any Differences Between Mouth Washes?

oral health

Mouthwash is used to help rinse away bacteria or food particles after you brush and floss each day. Using mouthwash is an additional way to help protect your teeth and gums. Knowing the differences between mouthwashes can help you choose the right one to incorporate into your oral hygiene routine.

What Are The Different Types of Mouthwashes Available?

Mouthwash With Fluoride

Fluoride mouthwash contain sodium fluoride, and this helps to protect your teeth from decay and cavities. Fluoride is also found in toothpaste and is added to our tap water. Only using the required amount each day is important because too much fluoride can be harmful to your health. Reading the labels can help to ensure you are only using the appropriate amount that is recommended daily.

Antiseptic Mouthwash

Antiseptic mouthwash is the most common mouthwash used by most patients. This type of mouthwash contains alcohol and can help to stop bacteria in its tracks. Using an antiseptic mouthwash can help fight bad breath, and prevent infections. Patients must be careful using this type of mouthwash. Overuse can lead to stains or discoloration on your teeth. Following the recommended daily guidelines is important to keep your teeth and mouth healthy.

Cosmetic Mouthwash

This type of mouthwash is used to only freshen your breath. Cosmetic mouthwash does not do anything to help with your oral health. Using this type of mouthwash can help rinse food particles away, and is a temporary solution for bad breath.

Natural Mouthwash

Natural mouthwash is a common type of mouthwash that helps keep bacteria away and freshens your breath, but contains only natural ingredients. Natural mouthwash brands do not contain alcohol, and the ingredients are safer compared to other types of mouthwashes available.

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

Interested in Finding Out More?

During your routine cleaning it is important to discuss what products you are using at home including your mouthwash. Our team is available to access your dental health, and recommend the best mouthwash for you to use at home.

If you are interested in finding out more about what mouthwash may be best for you, or to schedule your next exam, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

How Can I Reduce My Costs for Dental Care?

family dentistry

Dental care can be costly, and simple procedures can even run up your bill. Caring for your teeth is necessary to keep your oral and general health in check. Many people have no dental benefits at all, or if they retire their benefits are lost.

Skipping dental care is not an option, and can lead to other more serious health issues such as diabetes, or heart conditions. There are ways you can reduce your dental care costs, and help pay for those costly procedures that are necessary to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

Ask Your Dentist if They Offer an In-House Membership Plan

Many dental practices today offer their own dental membership for patients. These plans act like an insurance plan, and give patients discounts on procedures that are done in their office. If a patient does not have insurance it is wise to inquire about an in-house plan to help keep costs down.

Sign Up for a Dental Plan Through Your Employer

Many companies offer both medical and dental insurance plans. Most plans pay for at least half of the cost, and preventative services are typically covered 100 percent. Routine procedures are usually covered around 80 percent, and larger more involved procedures such as crowns are usually covered at 50 percent. Using in-network providers can help you save money, and allow you to get the dental work you need.

Dental Savings Plan

Dental savings plans are available to participants who pay a fee to join. The fee is typically annual, and allows you to choose from a network of dentists that offer discounts for members. Dental savings plans allow patients to get the work done that they need at a discounted price without insurance.

Affordable Care Act

Patients can apply for health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. Logging on to their website can let you know if you qualify to purchase dental coverage.

Dental HMO Plan

A dental HMO plan may be available in your state. Typically cleanings and exams twice a year are covered, and procedures are at a discount. Many dentists participate and accept HMO plans, and this is a good way to help save on dental care.

Veterans Benefits

If you are a veteran you qualify to receive insurance at a reduced rate. Disabled veterans are also eligible for free dental care through the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Do Your Research

If you are required to have a costly procedure, research the average price of that procedure. Ask your dentist for a discount, and most likely they will work with you, and help find a price and payment plan that fits your needs.

Create an Emergency Dental Fund

Setting aside money each month for dental care can help cover procedures or emergencies that are unpredictable.  Knowing you have a savings account will put you at ease if an emergency arises and you need dental care.

Looking for an Affordable Dentist Near You?

Taking care of your oral health is a great way to prevent costly dental procedures. Brushing and flossing each day, and staying away from foods and drinks that contain sugar can help keep your teeth and gums healthy. Visiting our office regularly for exams and cleanings is extremely important to maintain your oral health. Regular visits allow our team to get in front of issues before they become urgent, and we can help you keep your teeth and mouth looking and feeling great.

We care about our patients, and our team is here to help take care of your oral health. Ask our team if you have questions on coverage or payment plans, and we will work with you to ensure you can receive the very best care.

To find out more about dental programs we offer, or to schedule your next dental exam, contact our office and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.